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Media Alert ...... October 17, 2001 Contact: Ken Brown
212 998-6808

Time is Now To Rebuild And Secure Nation's Infrastructure, Say Urban Planning Experts

…….. Washington D.C. conference setting agenda to research innovative ways to organize and finance U.S. transport, communications, water & waste systems

[New York] -- Before September 11th, they already faced limited financial support and little public interest.

Now, more than ever, say leading urban planners and engineers, we must think "out of the box" to create a national agenda to rebuild and secure the country's civil infrastructure - the roads and railways, water, electricity, communications and waste management systems critical to our economy and way of life.

The Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems [ICIS] at New York University is convening infrastructure experts - including engineers, social scientists and others - for its three-day Annual Conference on Infrastructure Priorities. They will draft a National Infrastructure Research Agenda [NIRA] - addressing the critical financing, security and organizational challenges facing local and federal officials during an uncertain economy and a war on terrorism.

WHEN: October 24-26, 2001
WHERE: Academy for Educational Development Conference Center, Academy Hall
1825 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC

The Conference will tackle vital research areas, such as:

  • smarter methods of valuing and financing infrastructure
  • use of new and advanced technologies to build better infrastructure at lower long-term cost
  • organizing agencies for flexibility and responsiveness during normal times as well as crisis

Also among the conference events, Maria Matesanz and Mary Francoeur of Moody's Investor Services will present a special session, "Financing Models for Infrastructure and the Role of Rating Agencies," on Friday October 26th at 12:30 pm.

ICIS is an innovative multi-disciplinary partnership of four universities - NYU's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, Cornell University, Polytechnic University of New York and the University of Southern California - housed at NYU and funded by grants the National Science Foundation. ICIS focuses on infrastructure services for communities, users and infrastructure managers. Go to their website for more information,

Media coverage is welcome. For program information and press registration,
please call Ken Brown at 212 998-6808