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Web SiteNew Cross-Cutting Funding Opportunity in Human and Social Dynamics
ID No. 104

posted: January 15, 2004
by: ICIS Administrator

Created: January 15, 2004
Description: The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced a new program solicitation inviting proposals for its first full competition in the Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) priority area. Its aim is to foster breakthroughs in knowledge about human action and development as well as organizational, cultural, and societal adaptation and change in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary context across the sciences, engineering, and education. The FY 2004 competition will include three topical emphasis areas (Agents of Change; Dynamics of Human Behavior; and Decision Making and Risk) and three resource-related emphasis areas (Spatial Social Science; Modeling Human and Social Dynamics; and Instrumentation and Data Resource Development). Support will be provided for research-focused, education-focused, infrastructure-focused, and exploratory projects.

Complete information about the mandatory Letter of Intent (deadline of March 3, 2004) and Proposal Preparation and Submission (deadline of March 30, 2004) as well as descriptive information about the HSD priority area may be found at For further information, contact Dr. Miriam Heller, HSD Competition Coordinator; phone: 703-292-7025; e-mail:; or Dr. Sally Kane, Chair, HSD Implementation Group; phone: 703-292-8700; email:

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