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Web SiteEvaluating Water Distribution System Damage at the World Trade Center
ID No. 128

posted: March 23, 2005
by: ICIS

Created: March 23, 2005
Author: Art Lembo
Description: GIS-based "storyboard"

Immediately after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the National Science Foundation and hte Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems (ICIS) sought to perform research on the underground infrastructure at the World Trade Center. The research required assembling the GIS data layers of the damaged area to better understand the locations of hte water system mains, the main breaks, and debris piles from the WTC collapse.

Unfortunately, security concerns prevented timely access to the necessary GIS data sources maintained by New York City. However, through the use of GIS processing tools, ICIS was able to integrate other public data sources together to perform the research.
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