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Acrobat PDFAdvanced GIS Applications - Chapter Two: Integrative Technologies
ID No. 63

posted: April 10, 2002
by: ICIS

Created: January 10, 2002
Author: Christine Olivia Uy
Description: A key component of GIS is the ability to integrate with more advanced data collection and processing systems. Global positioning systems, remote sensing, image processing, computer-aided drafting/design, statistical programs, analytical modeling and simulation, and decision-support systems can and have significantly increased the functionality of GIS in three areas: acquisition of data, analysis support, and decision-making. Conversely, these technologies have also benefited from the data storage and visualization capabilities of GIS. The following sections provide descriptions of relevant technologies and their applications in CIS.
Acrobat PDFGIS Applications Chapter Two - Integrative Technologies.pdf

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