The Environmental Studies for the South Bronx Project is a joint project (funded by the US Environmental
Protection Agency) between ICIS, the NYU School of School of Medicine's Institute of Environmental
Medicine and four South Bronx community groups - Nos Quedamos, The Point Community Development
Corporation, The Sports Foundation and Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice. The objectives
of the project are to assess the nature and extent of environmental databases, build an environmental
baseline for the community and to begin to involve and train community members in this effort.
To that end, ICIS collected data - both existing and new - to build a community knowledge base
about environmental conditions in the study area regarding pollution, transportation and waste
transfer. This first phase of the study will includes literature reviews; identification, collection
and cataloguing of existing data; air quality sampling; creation and implementation of a community
training program; and design of a public policy study. This will set the stage for future public
health research related to environmental exposures in the study area.
- South Bronx Data Library (forthcoming)