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  Information Exchange Home

ICIS has established the Information Exchange in order to provide a central location where users, from infrastructure professionals, to community leaders to political decision-makers can both find information about infrastructure issues and disseminate their own work to a larger community. You are encouraged to submit your paper, your web site, an announcement for an event or any other online resource that seeks to bridge the gaps in our infrastructure systems knowledge base.


In this section you can access or post links to web sites, working papers, published papers, case studies and other online sources of written information.
Apr 25, 06- Young Minds and Their Mentors: Salvadori Charrette - New York 200 view details


In this section you can access or post announcements for infrastructure related events or other types of face-to-face interactions. Events can be placed directly on the ICIS events calendar.


In this section you can access or post links to electronic forms of information in the form of electronic newsletters or list serves and online discussion boards.